Services List Admission Agreements Information about Admission Agreements with private contractors. Communication resources Communciation material for employers. Academy status Guidance about Academy status and how to become a scheme employer. Breaks in service Advice and guidance about breaks in service for buying back lost periods of pension, leave of absence and reserve forces. Employer Training Resources Links to LGPS training resources Changes to Membership Guidance about changes to membership. Death in service Reporting a death in service. Employer estimate requests Guidance on how to request estimates for your employees Scheme employers exiting the pension fund Guidance and policies on exiting the pension fund. Membership Conditions Conditions to meet to become a member of the LGPS. Pensions increase Pension increase for LGPS. Auto-enrolment Guidance on auto-enrolling into the pension scheme. Leavers Information and guidance for leavers. Pensionable pay Guidance on the definition of pensionable pay. Policy Statements Information about policy statements. Scheme admissions Information about scheme admissions. Service Level Agreements (SLA) Information about Service Level Agreements. Accounting Information about accounting briefing notes, glossary FAQs, webinars.
Breaks in service Advice and guidance about breaks in service for buying back lost periods of pension, leave of absence and reserve forces.